Divorce Mediation
Divorce mediation helps couples work through the ending of their relationship while remaining amicable and keeping in focus the needs of their children and themselves.

Rochford Law and Mediation specializes in divorce mediation serving clients in Rochester, NY and the Finger Lakes region. Cyndy Rochford compassionately guides couples through creative problem-solving and open communication in negotiating the amicable dissolution of their marriage.
What is Divorce Mediation?
Divorce mediation is a voluntary, non-adversarial process for couples who seek to dissolve their marriage as respectfully and painlessly as possible. The divorcing partners commit to working together, with the mediator as a guide, to resolve their disputes in a way that benefits the whole family.
Divorce Mediation may be right for you if:
you do not necessarily know the law, but are willing to listen;
you are willing to work together to find the best solution for the entire family;
you are comfortable with full financial disclosure;
you can be honest about needs and preferences;
you are self-aware, and confident about making decisions
How Does Divorce Mediation Work?
Discussions are confidential, in a private setting and are guided by the mediator. The participants are empowered to make decisions, and any agreement must be acceptable to both parties.
Divorce mediation addresses the development of a parenting plan, the distribution of assets and liabilities, and a plan for financial support. Upon the successful conclusion of the mediation, Cyndy will draft the Parties’ Separation Agreement, and subsequent divorce documents if applicable.
Although it is not required that either party have an attorney, it is encouraged that each party consult with an independent attorney during the divorce mediation process to review the terms of the mediated Separation Agreement.